My Story
I have been leading teams from a very young age and I still can't believe it's been 20 years since I started. In the beginning, I learned a lot by trial and error and I only wish I had a coach back then.
I have had quite an accomplished career, spanning 2 continents, 3 countries to call home and working for 6 different markets. I have managed all kinds of teams, from 6 highly skilled and specialized business people to hundreds scattered throughout a territory bigger than Europe. I have also directly managed people from more than 40 different countries and I am fascinated with the differences on communication styles, sense of belonging and the richness diversity brings to businesses and people's lives.
I was lucky enough to have worked in corporations that developed their leaders and, because of that, I started coaching right at the beginning of my journey as a manager. Being a Learner, I sought to deepen my knowledge with books, seminars, courses, having mentors and coaches, and, finally, being introduced to the Systems Psychodynamic approach, in INSEAD, France.
I have then decided to make this methodology my main working tool as a coach and, since then, have witnessed transformational results on my clients.
My career has been built in the Revenue generating side of the business, which led me to experiment and go deep into the elements that can drive High Performance. Early on, I was able to understand how psychological states play a crucial role in Performance, which then led me to seek more knowledge in that area. I was fascinated to understand the dynamics and the non-obvious ways by which individuals and teams achieve high performance, and then, this has become my main area of studies and expertise.
I have deepened my studies in leadership, neuroscience, neuroscience for leaders, Individual Coaching, Group Coaching, Sales coaching, Leadership Across Borders, Situational Leadership, Managing Difficult Conversations, Non Violent Communication and more, all of which have contributed to my understanding of how the human mind operates in a state of Excellence and High Performance... or not.
You can check more details on my professional trajectory on LinkedIn.

Relevant Specialisations:
INSEAD: Global Certificate in Management - 2023
INSEAD: Leading Across Cultures and Borders - Erin Meyer - 2023
Kellogg Sales Institute - Sales Coaching Summit - 2023
INSEAD: Advanced Group Coaching - 2022
INSEAD: Individual Coaching Certificate - 2020
Kellogg Sales Institute- Sales Coaching - 2020
MIT: Applied Neuroscience - 2017
MIT: Neuroscience for Leadership - 2017
"There are no shortcuts to any place worth going."

Some of my clients work at:

My Mission
I am a firm believer in human potential. Being a learner myself, I make the growth mindset the core of my life, my practice and my daily decisions.​
I know from experience that each person has untapped potential and my job as a coach is to help the individual recognize it, access it, and use it to deal with career and corporate challenges. This is especially true for leaders.
My mission, then, is to facilitate the process of change, helping the individual discover the best course of action to their scenario. Having witnessed many breakthrough moments in my coaching engagements, I can attest this is a very powerful way to facilitate change.
The timing could not be better: we are all living a unique historical shift in our world; a shift that demands a different type of attitude and that demands that we are all leaders in one way or another. I truly believe that helping individuals grow as leaders and as whole human beings will contribute to the change we need at this moment.